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documentation for the Woodland West A/V booth

Camera Presets

Using the camera RCC4000 PTZ Controller, the camera presets can be selected by pressing the camera select button, followed by the preset button. For example, to set Camera 2 to Preset 1, press: “CAM 1” followed by “PRESET 1”

Preset 1

This preset zooms in on the speaker at the podium.

Preset 1

Preset 2

This preset zooms out slightly from the podium, with Cameras 1 & 2 2 covering the sides of the “preaching zone” of the stage.

Preset 2

Preset 3

This preset has a wide-angle shot of the whole room on Camera 3, and slight variations of the stage on Cameras 1 & 2.

Preset 3

Preset 4

This preset covers the Children’s Corner with Cameras 1 & 2, and zooms out to encompass the whole stage using Camera 2

Preset 4

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