LiveStream Checklist
Prepare for Worship Service (8:30)
- Turn on the black computer tower (ABS) to the right of the equipment rack using the button on the top
- The computer will almost always get “stuck” booting up. Turn it off and on again with the power button. It should come up fine the second time.
- The computer monitor (Gateway) should already be turned on, if it’s not then turn it on with the power button on the right side of the monitor.
- Login to the computer using the Video account with the PIN 4317
- Open OBS Studio
- Ensure that video is showing up for all 3 cameras and the presentation computer
- Open MultiView on the second monitor (under the View menu)
- If cameras are coming in with a black screen, there is a file on the desktop called “Black Video - Install This”. Install that and reboot. (This is why you come early.)
- Login to and set the titles at
- You should already be logged in, but the password is in the purple binder, it’s Trey’s account.
- WWCOC Worship 2/20/2022
- (no description)
- Open Youtube on the browser and search Instrumental gospel music. Choose one.
- Leave it paused until we go live. This is background music for the viewers who log on early.
- DO NOT FORGET to pause the music when church service starts.
- Camera check. Be sure that all cameras are functional and ready.
- Check camera controls in order to check if they are functional.
- Review the camera presets
- Verify that the soundboard input to OBS is unmuted
- “Soundboard” on the StreamDeck should be lit up and animated
Pre-show (10:15)
- 15 minutes before worship begins, start the livestream
- Stream can be started from page 2 of the StreamDeck or in OBS
- Make sure “recording” was enabled at the same time
- Should be showing the pre-show slides and hearing music
During Worship Service
- Pay attention during service
- Watch the order of worship and prepare for the next camera angle
- Watch the sound meter. It should be in the green, just touching into the yellow.
- Watch for a red square in the bottom right corner of OBS. It is a sign of poor streaming quality.
- Watch chat. Feel free to respond if appropriate.
After Worship Service
- Let the post-show slides cycle a few times
- Stop the stream and recording
- Leave the computer on, so that the recording will be uploaded to our backup system
Camera Handling Tips
- The StreamDeck has quick scene change buttons laid out in the same format as MultiView
- Avoid trying to “track” moving people if possible
- Digital joystick controls lack fine adjustments, resulting in jerky motions
- Fast camera panning can make viewers seasick
- It is often more comfortable to change cameras to a different angle, than pan the camera
- Common camera angles:
- Announcements, prayer, communion - centered on podium on camera 2, scene 2
- When a relevent slide is on screen, use scene 6 (presentation with camera 2 in the corner)
- Children’s corner - pointing at Trey & kids on left side of the stage on camera 3, scene 3
- Singing - pointing to the right of the podium at tom on camera 1, scene 5 (presentation with camera 1 in the corner)
- Announcements, prayer, communion - centered on podium on camera 2, scene 2
- During the Sermon, tips:
- Set camera 1 just to the right of the podium, slightly overlapping the podium
- Set camera 2 slightly zoomed out centered on the podium
- Set camera 3 just to the left of the podium, slightly overlapping the podium
- Switch between the camera angles as Randy (or the guest preacher) moves accross the stage
- If the speaker moves a lot, or very fast, and you can’t keep up - just zoom out on camera 2
Stream Dump (Emergency)
In case of emergency (such as violence, nudity, excessive cursing), the stream can be terminated with the DUMP button on page 2 of the StreamDeck or from OBS via. a dropdown beneath the normal stop button. You have 20 seconds to press the button. You do not need permission to do this. If you see something “Rated R”, just push it.
This is different from the regular “stop” button, which continues streaming until the 20 second buffer has been delivered to viewers. The DUMP button kills the stream without sending the last 20 seconds.